

Trusted and easy-to-understand health information and self-help resources for New Zealanders. Covers health conditions, medicines, disease prevention and self-care. Healthify He Puna Waiora was previously known as Health Navigator NZ.

Manatū Hauora Ministry of Health

New Zealand government website covering a wide range of health and disability topics such as health conditions and treatments, statistics, and an overview of the New Zealand health system.

Family Doctor

This website, produced by New Zealand doctors, covers men’s, women’s and children’s health, sports health, travel health and information on some of the most commonly prescribed medicines and some controversial new therapies.

Mayo Clinic

An American based website with easy-to-understand information on healthy lifestyle, symptoms, diseases and conditions, tests and procedures and more.


Consumer medicine information, including an alphabetical listing of prescription medications, from the New Zealand Medicines and Medical Devices Safety Authority, part of the Ministry of Health.

kidsHealth v2
Nemours KidsHealth

Search or browse sections for parents, kids and teens on a wide variety of topics including illnesses and injuries, feelings and emotions, staying safe, puberty, sexual health, nutrition and fitness, drugs and alcohol and body image.