Displays and Petitions
Each of our libraries has space for displaying material of public interest, local information and current affairs.
This page outlines types of material that are accepted.
Display material can take a variety of forms - notices, posters, pamphlets, brochures, petitions, cartoons or books.
- All display material (including petitions) must state the name of the responsible organisation, group or individual with a contact address or phone number.
- Material will be displayed for a maximum of one month if there is room/space available.
- All material for display must first be checked by library staff responsible for overseeing library notice boards and display areas.
- Priority is given to non-profit organisation material.
- Notices, petitions and displays that incite people to break the law are not accepted.
- Any party political material is not accepted.
- Petitions are displayed without additional posters/comments of support.
- The library doesn’t accept liability for any damage to, or theft of, displayed material.
- The library reserves the right to refuse acceptance, and to remove displays, notices and petitions at any time.
- If appropriate, we will display a disclaimer stating that the views expressed in a display/petition are not those of Tasman District Libraries or Tasman District Council.
We're happy to talk to you about display materials for libraries. Feel free to send us a message.