Policies guide how we interact with our users. Find out about the Library's policies here.

Collection Decision Review Request

The Library attempts to supply a balanced collection containing varying viewpoints on controversial issues. Residents and library users may request a review of content held by the library.

Collection Development Policy 

The Collection Development policy is intended to outline the principles of how the library’s collections are curated, provide a framework for the development and management of Tasman District Libraries’ collections, and
define the library’s legal requirements and responsibilities.

Competition Terms and Conditions

Read the terms and conditions for competitions held at Tasman District Libraries

Customer Service Standards

Find out about our customer service standards.

Displays and Petitions

View our policy on accepting petitions and material for display.


We're happy to receive donated items which enhance our collection. This policy details what we accept.

Expected Standard of Behaviour

You don't have to be silent, but you do need to behave reasonably. Here's how.

Internet Use in the Library

View our policy on using the internet on our public computers.

Unaccompanied Children

Read our policy on responsibility for children using the library.