Our libraries are buzzing with activity. Join us in celebrating the captivating tales and history of Nelson and Tasman at a Tuku24 event.
At the Richmond Library among a long list of interesting activities, you could drop by to admire ships in bottles and Paul Deacon's Marine Artist exhibition or, immerse yourself in Wayne Greig's author talk, 'Three strands of an unraveling rope'.
In Motueka Library, don't miss Kerry Sunderland's book discussion on 'Belonging in the Baton Valley' and captivating sailing narratives with Robbie Williams and Tom Rowling. You can also sign up for a demonstration on digitizing your slides or join the tour of the Te Noninga Kumu Motueka Library's art collection.
There are many other exciting events scattered throughout Nelson and Tasman, so be sure to explore the full program here - Tuku24 programme