• Posted on: 23/12/2024
  • Less than a minute to read

Library upgrade to begin

As you may have heard plans are being made for a $1.3 million project to upgrade and strengthen Richmond Library, and the good news is we will remain open throughout the work.

A recent detailed seismic assessment of this community asset has confirmed that a section of the building is an earthquake risk.

There are also some wider issues with the building including long-term problems with water tightness and sagging roof trusses, so this work will fix the problems and strengthen it.

There may be some interruptions, but the library team and contractors are planning for the library to remain open, with work being staged to minimise the disruption to activities.  However, the Constance Barnicoat room is closed and will remain so for the duration of the project.

The building work will start in the New Year, with the full job expected to take up to four months.

Funding for the project has come from the Richmond Reserve Financial Contributions.