Threading Connections /Tuia te Hononga Community Quilt
Whether you’re a new migrant, tangata whenua, tangata tiriti, lived in Te Tauihu/Top of the South for 500 years or closer to 5, we want to celebrate the reason you choose to call Te Tauihu “home”.
Our theme for this Community Quilt is Threading Connections /Tuia te Hononga
Hononga - (noun) union, connection, relationship, bond; joining place, link.
Tuia - (verb) to sew, thread on a string, thread; to lash, lace, bind; to put through (the arm or hand through a loop), arm in arm.
You can be any age, of any sewing ability to take part. In fact, it’s not even necessary to stitch on your piece of fabric. Knitting, crochet, appliqué or other mark-making is totally fine. The most important thing is that you tell us a little bit about why Te Tauihu/ Top of the South is the place where you feel connected!
Simply pick up your entry form containing all you need to know from Richmond, Motueka, Murchison or Tākaka Library, and “Thread your Connection” to Te Tauihu/ Top of the South for our Community Quilt.
Return your entry form and unique quilt piece to us by 30 June. We’ll then transform all our amazing stories into a beautiful community quilt, created by you.
Please contact: with any questions.